Removing page from word document
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page breaks and remove that extra page at the end of your document. For those this did not work for, if you have inserted a table into your Word doc (like I did), that may be the removing those extra pages that can sneak into your ebook or woed document Apr 2, 2013 - You go to print out your document, and all of a sudden notice that there was a blank page that printed at the end. Insert or delete page numbers, date, time, filename, or any other text or graphics in a header or footer of a Word 2010 document.Users often ask how to get rid of a blank page that is being printed at the end or in the middle of a document. Jun 30, 2012 - If you want to see the empty paragraphs that are at the end of your document—before you delete them—you can instruct Word to display Remove or add pages manually in Word 2003 by inserting or deleting page breaks. If you want the page to break in a different place, you can insert a manual page break. How to delete a "blank page" in Word. word processing document by pressing the space bar, the "enter" button, etc. This could be caused by. How to Removing a blank page in Microsoft Word is about as easy as counting to three. You can remove page breaks that you insert in a document manually.
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